by Alliance Française | Mar 25, 2012 | Blog
For once, the calendar date and the weather have coincided. If you look carefully on the calendar above, you will see:mardi 20 mars: printempsLe soleil brille: the sun is shiningLe ciel est d’un bleu d’azur: the sky is lovely and blueLes arbres ont des...
by Alliance Française | Mar 18, 2012 | Blog
What is la francophonie? Le Haut comité de la langue française in 1977 said:”C’est une sorte d’école de la fraternité humaine.” We should add it is for people speaking French all over the world, either as a mother tongue or as an administrative...
by Alliance Française | Mar 11, 2012 | Blog
Thierry Viennois, French lecturer for the French circles in the UK is coming to Bath on Saturday, March 17th to talk and show photos on Grenoble.Grenoble is situated in the Alps ( les Alpes ) and is near le Massif du Vercors, known for fantastic mountain sceneries and...
by Alliance Française | Mar 4, 2012 | Blog
Lionel is coming to Alliance Française de Bristol next Thursday, he will bring four different Alsace wines ( vins d’Alsace ) and he will teach French while talking about wines!The title of the evening is:J’apprends le français tout en dégustant!Ten...
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