by Alliance Française | Dec 27, 2015 | Blog
As you read last week, poor Mère Noël was unable to play her part in the Tuesday morning French class as she broke her arm but Martine, the French tutor, came to the rescue and here is the second part of the sketch written by Robin:Fac : Bon, la prochaine question il...
by Alliance Française | Dec 25, 2015 | Blog
by Alliance Française | Dec 20, 2015 | Blog
Unfortunately, La mère Noël broke her right arm ( elle s’est cassée le bras droit) in Liverpool and could not be back for her usual chat with le facteur. So, Martine, the French teacher in the Tuesday morning French class, had to take over the part of La mère...
by Alliance Française | Dec 13, 2015 | Blog
It is the suppository ( le suppositoire)! Paul, student in Audrey’ s Thursday evening French tuition class, wrote a story just about that!A patient (un patient) goes to the GP ( le généraliste) because he has twisted his ankle ( il s’est tordu la...
by Alliance Française | Dec 6, 2015 | Blog
After all we are now in December! I went to a nursery ( une pépinière) this morning, naively thinking that I could still buy some Winter pansies ( des pensées d’hiver) for the garden, (I have been a bit late with my gardening this year!) only to find rows...
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