Marylin, as well as being a French teacher, is a very talented dress-maker/ designer ( couturière).
Audrey, French tutor with Alliance Française de Bristol, is also in charge of our podcasts, so she went to interview Marylin and also took photos.
Marylin has always been interested in design and specialises in upcyclage.
She explains the difference between recyclage which is to use an object again but for its original purpose like to use a button again ( prendre un bouton sur un vieux manteau et l’utiliser sur un autre vêtement comme bouton).
And upcyclage which is to take a curtain for instance and make it into a skirt ( prendre un rideau et le transformer en jupe, par exemple).
Under the make Marylotte, Marylin designs and makes clothes for children ( des vêtements pour enfants) as well as for adults ( et pour adultes).

She also creates accessories like bags ( des sacs)  made of oil cloth ( toile cirée) or cotton ( coton) or belts ( des ceintures) made of leather ( cuir).

She also likes using upholstery materials ( tissus d’ameublement ) and prints ( des imprimés).
Her final words are:
De nos jours, le gaspillage n’est plus acceptable” Today, wasting things is not acceptable.

If you would like to listen to Marylin talk about her work, listen to Alliance Française de Bristol podcast, for more info…