Lionel Lamadon, our specialist on French wines, is travelling from Bristol to Bath, to give a talk on rare wines ( les vins rares) especially selected for students taking French tuition in Bath as well as their French teachers, their friends and anyone interested in French wine and the French language.
If you would like to hear about Lionel and his talk, listen to the podcast.
If you would like to find out more on the talk, go to the Alliance Française de Bath event page. For more info…
Here are some sayings about wines by famous writers, poets and a film director:
La vérité est dans le vin. Pline l’Ancien ( Truth is to be found in wine)
Servez-leur du bon vin, ils vous feront de bonnes lois. Montaigne. ( Give them good wines, they’ll make good laws)
Le vin est la plus saine et la plus hygiénique des boissons. Pasteur ( Wine is the healthiest and the most hygienic of drinks)
La tentation existe pour que l’on y cède. Maupassant ( Temptation is there to give into it)
Un type qui ne boit pas de vin ne connaîtra jamais le bonheur. Chabrol ( A chap who does not drink wine will never know happiness)
Le vin est le fils du soleil et de la terre. Claudel ( Wine is the son of the sun and of the earth)
Un homme qui ne boit que de l’eau a un secret à cacher à ses semblables. Baudelaire ( A man who only drinks water has a secret to hide from his companions)
Please don’t go and drink too much after reading these quotes, remember what every advert says in France these days: Buvez en modération! ( Drink in moderation!)
HipHop recording sensation Provy Suflayy released his first single off his upcoming album!!
'A Star Burnin Brite' features New Zealand's " best kept secret" Kiwi artist Rachel Schryvers.
Go buy now on iTunes and other fine online retailers for only $ .99 cents!!
Check out the music video now on youtube!!