Anne B who trained as a classical pianist, took singing lessons with various jazz vocalists as well as  discovering a passion for Brazilian music. She moved to London in 2006 and decided to embark on a solo singing career in and around London.

 Below a comment after one of her concerts:
“Her voice is pure and sensual, and despite the fact that I have not spoken even basic French since my GCSEs, her nuanced delivery ensured that there was no language barrier. Accompanied by a softly played acoustic guitar, I could have listened on and on…” Remotegoat

Anne B is coming to Bristol on 18th February to run a French workshop for University students as well as students doing a French course with Alliance Française.
One group of students has listened to the lovely song called: Les abeilles ( the bees) and they decided to write some acrostics ( acrostiches) using some of the recurrent words in the song.
Here are a couple:

Ostia  Antica 2010….Impression
T  Tapis blanc devant les    
R  Ruines romaines
È  Été, soleil chaud, ciel bleu, papillons, abeilles
F   Fondations,mosaïques,
L   Les rues étroites,tout
E   Enveloppé  d’un parfum divin….
                                        de trèfle.

Helen  Whitehead   Janvier 2011

O Observe l’aile trempée de rouge, son sourcil crème, pâle,
I  Imagine son vol, à travers des pays glacials ;
S Surprise, j’en ai compté trente, cette journée avant Noël,
E Eparpillés, voletant, dans mon jardin hivernal.
A A la fenêtre, j’ai feuilleté mon livre des espèces,
U Une beauté inouïe que ces grives mauvis me laissent.

Sarah Ball Janvier 2011

Why not come and have fun with songs with our music workshop!!