Or in French la coupe du monde de rugby, but did you know that it started in 1987 and that it is the 8th world cup ( la huitième édition)?
It happens every 4 years ( tous les quatre ans), this year it is taking place in England ( en Angleterre)  and in Wales ( au Pays de Galles) and…. this afternoon, even before I have finished writing this blog France is going to play Ireland ( l’Irlande) at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff!

The world cup starts the first round with 4 groups ( les poules A, B, C, D) we then move on to the quarter finals ( les quarts de finale) then the semi-finals ( les demi-finales) and the final ( la finale).
Today , for the BIG  match (!!) le coup d’envoi ( the start of the match) is at 4.45pm ( 16h 45) so here we go, how do we call the various positions in French?
l’ailier: the wing
l’arrière: the full back
l’avant: the forward
le pilier: the prop
le talonneur: the hooker
le demi-d’ouverture: the fly half
le demi-de mêlée: the scrum half
le buteur: the striker
And how do we score?
le but: the goal
une pénalité: a penalty
marquer un essai: to score a try
la transformation: conversion
un drop goal….
And who checks and makes decisions?
Le juge de touche: the linesman
l’arbitre: the referee
I can only end this post by saying: Allez la France!!!!

Don’t forget to look at Alliance Française de Bristol et Bath website as we have some activities coming up, for more info…