Students in Martine’s Tuesday evening French class studied some of these expressions in the French magazine Bien Dire. Martine asked them to make up some examples with some of them to illustrate their meanings.
Below is what Kevin wrote:

Quand vous avez un gouvernement de série B,
Qui n’a pas un plan B,
Un ministre des finances qui ne peut pas prouver A+B
Il faut qu’on ait un  système D! (and notice the subjunctive!)

De série B: a  second class series
Prouver par A+B: to  prove something regardless
Le système D, D pour débrouillard: to be resourceful, to always find a way

There are lots more expressions such as Le jour J, D Day, droit comme un i, to have a good posture etc..

You can learn some more or develop your vocabulary by joining our French intensive courses running in June or July, there are still some places. For more info…