Anne, our French teacher and guide, with the blue badge for the guides, is doing another of her guided walks around the centre of Bristol.
Her walks are getting more and more popular every year; not only is she very knowledgeable but she is also very good at involving the students. She creates a real exchange, in French, so that students feel they’re learning about Bristol and improving their French at the same time.
Here is what Sarah, a student with Alliance Française de Bristol, said after the last walk:
J’ai assisté à trois des visites guidées d’Alliance Française, et elles m’ont beaucoup plu. Anne explique l’histoire et l’architecture de Bristol d’une manière si vivante, et interactive, et on apprend beaucoup de vocabulaire. Je les recommande chaleureusement!
So, why not spend an enjoyable couple of hours strolling around the harbourside looking at the regeneration of the site together with a glance at the public art? Anne will start from the Millenium Square and will aim to make you observe the details which are part of the regeneration project but which tend to go unnoticed.
The walk will start at:
6.30pm by the fountain ( près de la fontaine) of The Millenium Square, la place du Millenium. ( Careful: square in English is la place in French, place in English is l’endroit ou le lieu in French and un square in French is a small public garden in English! Simple !!)
There is just one place left so hurry if you’re interested. For more info…
Did you find the answer to the riddle last week?
Here is the answer: un pneu de vélo ( a bicycle tyre)
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