February ( février ) can be quite a miserable month but there is a French saying ( un dicton ):
Au mardi gras, l’hiver s’en va! On Shrove Tuesday, Winter goes!
This year, Shrove Tuesday ( mardi gras ) is on 21st February ( 21 février ) and French children will make pancakes ( des crêpes ) either at school or at home, just like in England.
Some children may still keep the tradition of le carnaval and wear masks ( des masques ) just to have a bit of fun before starting on lent ( le carême ). Lent will start on Ash Wednesday ( les cendres ). In the Catholic tradition, people stop eating meat ( de la viande ) or fat ( du gras ).
Generally, things are brightening up, days are getting longer ( les jours allongent ) and flowers are appearing: snowdrops ( les perce-neige ) and crocuses ( les crocus ).
Alliance Française de Bristol is looking forward to another French cookery session with our French teacher Isa and a French wine tasting session with French teacher and sommelier, Lionel.
Have a look at our website to discover all our French courses and French workshops, for more info…
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