Audrey, our French drama tutor, has a great show to present on 31st January with a group of 6 students who have been following the French drama course for the last 10 weeks.
The show, all in French, is a mixture ( un mélange) of improvisations ( des improvisations ), sketches ( des sketches )and games ( des jeux ) involving the audience ( le public ).
It is great fun and you only need a good GCSE French to follow and participate.
Here is what the French tutor sent to the students who followed the previous French course after the show:
Vous avez été vraiment super hier. J’ai eu des messages ce matin de personnes impressionnées! Encore merci pour tout votre travail, votre enthousiasme et bonne humeur. Vous vous rendez compte de tout ce que vous avez créé à partir de rien? Que vous avez su divertir 45 personnes pendant plus d’une heure? Je suis très fière de vous tous!
If you wish to be impressed and have a very enjoyable evening, please come to our show of French sketches and word games, for more info…
If you would like to find out about Audrey, the French drama tutor, listen to her interview on Alliance Française de Bristol podcast…
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