Come for enrolment at:
Henleaze Library, Northumbria Drive ( opposite Waitrose) in Bristol on Monday 12th September between 7.30pm and 9pm.
Or at:
St John’s Parish Church, South Parade ( near Police Station) in Bath on Monday, 12th September, between 7.30pm and 9pm.
Have a look at our website for the French classes we offer: group lessons, drama and cookery workshops and more, for more info…

Schools have started again in France too, it is called la rentrée, children go and buy their school equipment (les fournitures) as exercise books and text books are not provided by schools.
A new pencil case ( une trousse) as well as a new satchel (un cartable) with the latest designs are very tempting! A homework notebook (Un cahier de textes) is a must and exercise book covers (des protège-cahiers ) of different colours for different subjects have to be bought according to the teachers’ recommendations. But no uniforms, ( pas d’uniformes).
Bon courage à tout le monde!