Lots of poems were written after Martine’s students studied the song by Bernard Lavilliers, Les mains d’or. Have a look at last week’s blog for more details.
Several students took some of the words of the song and wrote a poem in the shape of the kite (un cerf-volant) using some related adjectives ( des adjectifs), verbs ( des verbes) and nouns ( des noms).
Here are some examples:
Sarah wrote:
Faible, farouche,
Flâner, flatter, fouiller,
Allées,bancs, pergolas, platanes,
Frémir, frissonner, trembler
Dorées, safranées,
And this is what it looks like in the shape of a kite:
Helen wrote:
Fort, résistant,
Fer, usine, main d’œuvre, laminoir,
Travailler, fabriquer, se consacrer,
Fier, inoubliable,
And it looks like this:
Watch this space next week as we should have our sketch between La mère Noël et le facteur!
In the meantime, don’t forget, you can contact either Alliance Française de Bristol or Alliance Française de Bath to join French classes in January, for more info…
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