Come and join Alliance Française students in Bath to hear what Lionel can teach you about different champagnes and of course, to taste them. Lionel, who used to be a French teacher, is now a specialist on French wines. He has a wonderful selection of private photos on champagnes and lots of anecdotes to share with his audience. Anyone with a good GCSE in the French language and an interest in champagnes is welcome.
For more info…
Of course drinking champagne is the most important, first of all you have to take the cork ( le bouchon) out:
Sabrer le champagne: pop the cork
Sabler le champagne: to crack open a bottle
You can drink:
Un champagne sec: a dry champagne
Un champagne rosé: a pink champagne
Un champagne brut: a brut champagne
Du champagne frappé: iced champagne
From un seau à champagne: from an iced bucket
You can drink out of:
Une flûte à champagne:
Une coupe à champagne:
Un verre tulipe:
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